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HackStuff... / Web Design (Scripting) / enable regedit Moderat de lFx
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Din: bucharest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1062
'Enable Registry Editing'
'© andreony - 3/11/2006
'This code may be freely distributed/modified
On Error Resume Next
'Prevents errors from values that don't exist
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Delete DisableRegistryTools registry values

WshShell.RegDelete "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemDisableRegistryTools"
WshShell.RegDelete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemDisableRegistryTools"

'display message
Message = "You should have access to Regedit now"

X = MsgBox(Message, vbOKOnly, "Done")
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

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------ eVoLuTiOn ------

pus acum 18 ani

Din: bucharest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1062
' Enable/Disable the Registry editor (RegEdit.exe)
' NOTE: this routine requires the SetRegistryValue,
'  DeleteRegistryValue and CheckRegistryValue routines,
' that you can find in the CodeBank under the Windows section.
' Example:
'   ' disable Regedit
'   EnableRegistryTools False
'   ' enable it again
'   EnableRegistryTools

Public Sub EnableRegistryTools(Optional ByVal bEnable As Boolean = True)
    Dim sKey As String
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001

    sKey = "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem"
    If bEnable Then
        ' delete the value whose setting disables the registry
        DeleteRegistryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKey, "DisableRegistryTools"
        ' if the Key doesn not exist
        If CheckRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKey) = False Then
            ' create the key
            CreateRegistryKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKey
        End If
        ' create and set the value to disable the Registry
        SetRegistryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKey, "DisableRegistryTools", 1
    End If
End Sub

------ eVoLuTiOn ------

pus acum 18 ani

Din: bucharest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1062
'Enable/Disable Registry Editing tools
'© andreony

Option Explicit

'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, t, mustboot, errnum, vers
Dim enab, disab, jobfunc, itemtype

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
p = "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem"
p = p & "DisableRegistryTools"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
mustboot = "Log off and back on, or restart your pc to" & vbCR & "effect the changes"
enab = "ENABLED"
disab = "DISABLED"
jobfunc = "Registry Editing Tools are now "

'This section tries to read the registry key value. If not present an
'error is generated.  Normal error return should be 0 if value is
t = "Confirmation"
On Error Resume Next
n = WSHShell.RegRead (p)
On Error Goto 0
errnum = Err.Number

if errnum <> 0 then
'Create the registry key value for DisableRegistryTools with value 0
    WSHShell.RegWrite p, 0, itemtype
End If

'If the key is present, or was created, it is toggled
'Confirmations can be disabled by commenting out
'the two MyBox lines below

If n = 0 Then
    n = 1
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & disab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
ElseIf n = 1 then
    n = 0
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & enab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
End If

------ eVoLuTiOn ------

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 27
bun, si ce fac fiecare??

pus acum 16 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 143
tre sa ai cunostiinte de html xhtml java script etc k sa le intelegi.bn ca nu esti singuru care se uita la ele ca curca in craci( adik si eu patesc la fel)    


pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 27
ee toate la timpul lor

pus acum 16 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 143
evident,cu rabdarea treci marea     

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